Auto Insurance The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other covered event. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident […]
Things to keep in mind when buying a car
Buying a new car is an exciting time — but it can also be stressful. After all, you’re trying to get the best deal on price, while also deciding on the make, model and features you need. Here at Budget Insurace, we can’t really help you become a master negotiator when it comes to […]
Spring Cleaning Tips from Budget Insurance
Of course, because spring is a time for new beginnings, cleaning and organization around the house are very popular this time of year. If you’re ready to tackle that monumental chore, read on for some helpful information. (And if you’re so tidy and organized throughout the year that spring cleaning isn’t a big chore for you, well, […]
Have some new jewelry in the house? Protect it!
Ah, Valentine’s Day is near, and love is in the air. Well, love and a few other things, such as chocolates, romantic dinners, candy hearts that say “Be Mine” – and, of course, new jewelry. It’s exciting to receive jewelry from a loved one — or to give it as a gift. Not to mention […]
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Do you have the proper coverage in place? if you’re injured by an uninsured motorist, your policy could provide the coverage you need IF you have the proper coverage in place. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is an inexpensive and valuable coverage. According to a recent study from Insurance Research Council, about one in six […]
Prepare your car for winter
Millions of Americans will do some traveling this holiday season – the majority of it by car. Of course, winter weather creates a unique set of challenges on the roadways, whether you’re simply driving to Northern Arizona or headed back East. At Budget Insurance we’d like to help you not only enjoy your holiday […]
Be the Pinnacle of Health This Holiday Season
Be the pinnacle of health & wellness this holiday season It goes without saying that keeping yourself and your family healthy through the holiday season can be a challenge. When you combine chillier temps, housebound days, year-end deadlines and pre-holiday preparation – not to mention kids passing around colds at school like they’re playing “Hot […]
What Determines the Price of Auto Insurance?
What determines the price of an auto insurance policy? Many factors help determine the cost of car insurance By Emily Delbridge Updated August 01, 2017 Auto Insurance The amount you’ll pay for car insurance is impacted by a number of very different factors—from the type of coverage you have to your […]
Do You Need Rental Car Insurance?
Do You Need Rental Car Insurance? You’ve probably been at the rental-car counter, listening to the representative ask if you want to purchase the company’s insurance. And the thoughts start racing through your head. “Is this a rip-off? Doesn’t my regular auto policy cover me? What about my credit card? Why didn’t I figure this […]
Making Smart Money Savings Choices
In today’s economy, many people are looking for ways to stretch their money—but sometimes this includes altering insurance coverages to dangerously low levels or eliminating coverage entirely. If you’re thinking about changing your coverage to save money, consider these key issues below — and give us a call. We can help make sure you’ve got […]