Mexico Travel Info

Mexico is a country that is magical, rich in history, and has endless places to be discovered. We here at Sanborn’s have put together this page to assist you in planning your trip.

Register Your Trip

Please be aware of your surroundings; stay alert. Mexico’s government continues with their war against drug cartels. For most Mexicans, this war is something that they read in the media, not something they are experiencing. This is also true for tourists, and this war is far from tourist spots and resorts.

Your safety is our priority. We have a few recommendations to give you to make sure that you will have what you need to make your Mexico Travel a road trip full of memories to share with family and friends, and as is tradition with Sanborn’s customers, for generations to come.

To complement your planning for your road trip to Mexico, you may register your trip to with the State Department; this is a free service, provided by the US Government for US citizens, who are traveling to a foreign country. Registering allows you to record information about your upcoming trip and the Department of State can use to assist you in case of an emergency. Americans residing abroad can also get routine information from the nearest US embassy or consulate.

Passport Information

Travel by Land and Sea

  • US and Canadian citizens aged 16 and over who are entering the United States from Mexico, Canada or the Caribbean by land or sea are required to show a passport or alternative WHTI-compliant document such as a passport card. 
  • Children up to the age of 15 may present proof of citizenship alone, such as a birth certificate, a consular report of birth abroad, a naturalization certificate, or a Canadian citizenship card.

Passport & Passport Card Information

How to apply for your passport, where to apply, cost and other passport related information.

Renewal Passport Application

Need a Passport or Passport Card in a hurry?

Schedule an appointment with Tucson’s Western Passport Agency and get your Passport or Passport Card in 24 hours. (Proof of travel is required. Your Sanborn’s Mexico Insurance policy is an acceptable proof of travel document.)

Western Passport Agency Automated Appointment Number (Available 24 hours/7 days)


Vehicle Permits

Vehicle permits are required to travel in certain areas in Mexico.  Visit the links below for more information.

NEW Vehicle Permit Requirements! Banjercito now requires you to leave a guarantee deposit in addition to the fee for your vehicle importation permit. Get the details.

Sonora Free Zone Map Vehicle permits are NOT required in the “Sonora Free Zone” as outlined on this map.

Traveling With Pets

If you’d like to take your dog or cat with you on your Mexican vacation, there are a few steps you should take in advance. You should have your pet examined by a veterinarian and your pet’s immunizations should be up to date. You may need to present the following documents when entering Mexico with your pet:

  • A certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian within ten days of travel
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination.

U.S. Border Crossing Regulations

Get details on Border Patrol Regulations by U.S. Residents brought to you by U.S. Customs & Border Patrol. This is a 68 searchable document provided by U.S. Customs & Border Patrol that should answer most any question you might have about traveling to Mexico including regulations, duty, required documents, what you must declare, frequent traveler programs and much more.

Sonora Mexico Destinations

San Carlos: For information on places to stay, restaurants and things to do in the San Carlos area click here.

Rocky Point: For information on places to stay, restaurants and things to do in Rocky Point click here.

Check back for additional listings.


MEXICO TOURISM BOARD STATEMENT regarding State Department travel advisory.

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